Are you subsidizing your business success at the cost of your own well-being? Andy Brown defines this as emotional overdraft and just like a financial overdraft, these behaviors might work in the short term but become unsustainable and costly over time. Andy explains to Kevin that while this behavior is common, it can lead to stress, burnout, and reduced personal and professional effectiveness. Andy shares habitual behaviors, or "drivers," that contribute to emotional overdraft, such as urgency, overcommitment, and lack of trust. He also suggests that work-life balance is a helpful expression, he advocates for integrating work as part of life and recognizing seasons of focus and rest. Further, he provides some examples so we can mitigate emotional overdraft.
Listen For
00:00 Introduction
00:08 Understanding Overload Stress and Emotional Overdraft
00:41 How to Join the Live Podcast Community
01:08 Kevin’s Book Flexible Leadership
02:07 Guest Introduction Andy Brown
02:33 Andy’s Background in Leadership and Business
03:30 How Andy’s Journey Led to Emotional Overdraft
06:09 Recognizing Leadership Costs Beyond Financials
07:03 What is an Emotional Overdraft
08:19 The Impact of Emotional Overdraft on Leaders
10:24 Emotional Overdraft Beyond Business A Universal Issue
11:44 Work Life Balance A Myth or a Useful Concept
15:24 Why Do Leaders Go into Emotional Overdraft
16:53 The 10 Drivers of Emotional Overdraft
18:30 Just Flipping Do It JFDI A Key Habit That Drives Overdraft
21:21 Trust Issues When Leaders Stop Trusting Their Team
24:45 The Connection Between Urgency and Overdraft
27:07 Why Do We Feel Like Everything is Urgent
29:05 Breaking the Cycle Asking the Right Questions
32:57 Training Clients to Expect Urgency
35:45 The Importance of Taking a Breath and Evaluating Choices
36:36 What Andy Does for Fun and The Importance of Joy
38:59 Recommended Reading Connect by Carol Robin
40:48 Where to Find Andy Brown and His Book
41:57 Final Thoughts Taking Action Against Emotional Overdraft
42:29 Closing and Subscribe for More Episodes
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Meet Andy

Andy's Story: Andy Brown is the author of Amazon's #1 best seller, The Emotional Overdraft: 10 Simple Changes for Balancing Business Success and Wellbeing. He has over 30 years of experience as a transformative coach and award-winning adviser. His engaging style and thought-provoking insights have made him a sought-after speaker at conferences, corporate events, and on podcasts. Andy inspires leaders to address the hidden costs of leadership while promoting sustainable growth and personal resilience. Andy’s mission is clear: to empower leaders to make better, faster decisions without sacrificing their well-being.
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